Wednesday, April 27, 2016

No House? Will Camp!

Long story short: we sold our house. Five days after putting it on the market, in fact. We decided on a six week closing to allow some time for us (husband, three daughters, yellow lab, me) to find a new house. We searched. And searched. And searched. We just didn't find anything we loved and made a commitment to ourselves to not buy anything we weren't in love with. 
It very quickly became apparent that even if we did find a house, we would still have to have a space for our family while we wait for our purchase closing to happen. We weighed all the options that would does (family, friends, rent, under a bridge...). It dawned on us we would inevitably storing most of our stuff somewhere and living out of suitcases somewhere and really didn't like that idea. We had been joking about buying or borrowing a camper and parking it somewhere. We had joked that somewhere would be our friends' farm (Mad Farmer's Garden to be exact). Little did we know, they were joking about it, too!!
So Jared (husband) called the Farm. Hannah (Farm mama) answered and, with delight, accepted our offer to squat on their land. We very quickly found a camper that would work well for our family and that we could tow with our pick up. Ian (Farm dad) and Jared scouted some locations on the farm. Very suddenly, this was happening! We had two weeks to get the camper set, finish packing the house, and move into our camper. 

The Mad Farmer's Garden is a truly magical place. Many memories, good and bad, have been made here - by all who have passed through. Our friends are really simply amazing and lovely people. Ian and Hannah have two boys - Viven (5) and Kahlil (I wanna say 10 months, but my memory is really quite terrible). I have more thoughts on the MFG and the "people in the purple house" as we've taken to calling them. Maybe another post...

The best-laid plans of mice and men oft go astray. Don't we all know that? Well, our pick up wouldn't pull the camper. Well, maybe it would have, but it REALLY didn't like it. Luckily, our brother in law came to the rescue with a friend's giant pick up that would literally tow anything. Once they got the camper to the Farm, they decided the spot we picked out wouldn't actually work for a variety of reasons. Really, as it turns out, our new location is so much better! 

We've had a bit of a rough go at it this first week. Also, let me remind you it's only Wednesday. Here's a brief run down, in no particular order.
- Esther has strep
- Jared has strep
- Ian was sick for a day in there somewhere (and actually I just got word Hannah is not feeling great!)
- Abigail got a nail in her foot
- It's been cold for two days, raining pretty bad today
- There's a drip in the camper roof 

I know, it looks bad. It looks real bad. I'm not one to wallow, sometimes you just have to accept your situation and do what you can or what you have to do get through it. I'm right there in survival mode. Ian asked me if I was regretting our decision. Really, without even considering, I am not. I love this farm and these people so much! 

Well, you all wanted a blog. So here ya go! Don't expect anything too fancy...

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